Monday, April 1, 2013

With A Little Help From My Friends

Can Spring 6FIT start tomorrow?  I wish! Three weeks seems like an incredibly long time to wait. I had been doing really, really well post 6FIT and then I hit a wall.  I have been keeping up with my exercise at about 80% from where I was during winter 6FIT, but the past couple of weeks my eating habits have been sub par.  For I went to Panera for lunch after a grocery shopping trip.  I wasn't in the mood for a salad so I searched the menu for something somewhat healthy.  I decided on a turkey and avocado club sans bacon, and mustard instead of mayo.  When they asked if I wanted an apple, bread or chips on the side, I said apple.  I got into the car, opened up the bag and there was my sandwich with a side of warm Mac N' Cheese!  Ummm thank you Panera for completely sabotaging my day.  I cannot resist mac n' cheese and will eat it whenever it is put in front of me.  My daughter (lucky for me) doesn't like it so it is never a temptation.
Reason #1 I cannot wait for Spring 6FIT to start! If I was in a 6FIT session, I would have seen that gooey, cheesy bowl of goodness and immediately thought of my teammates, everyone's healthy and colorful charts and all of my hard work and tossed it.  Man N' Cheese bad...Apple good.

Another thing that I am lacking in is my water consumption.  I can feel it too.  My skin and lips are dry, I am getting lots of headaches and I am snacking like an irrational maniac who has never eaten before.  I am usually such a huge advocate of water.  I drink nothing else (well, except for wine).
My main tips for getting enough water is to buy a 24oz water bottle that you LOVE!  Mine is a Nathan water bottle.  It is pink and cute and can hook onto things for easy transport.  I take it with me everywhere.  My daughter, of course, loves it too so if you don't mind toddler backwash, it's good for sharing.  I fill mine up every time it's close to being drained and try to drink at least 3 bottles a day.

Thankfully, the 6FIT Facebook page is still active and I am friends with a lot of 6FIT graduates.  On days I feel completely gross about my nutrition choices, I can reach out to them or to DanceFIT Studio staff for help, advice or just an ear.  I "see" a lot of my 6FIT pals in Virtual DanceFIT classes multiple times per week which makes me happy and motivated.  Some of us check in with each other to see what classes we are signed up for in the coming week.  I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing group of people.  Everyone leads different lives, but we all have one thing in common- wanting a healthy and fit life for ourselves and our families.  

I hope you will join me in my next 6FIT endeavor! Good friends, healthy food, sweaty workouts- what more could you ask for?  

Until then, I will remember this and keep trucking:

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