Friday, March 29, 2013

Body Image and Reality

I have had two babies in under two years, and for those of you who don't know, being pregnant changes your body in a lot of different ways.  Some good, some bad.  Personally, I didn't exactly enjoy being pregnant and all the changes that came with it.  Especially towards the end, I just wanted my body back.  About a year after my first child was born (yes, I waited that long), I started working out, got strong, lost weight, felt a bit more back to my old self.  Then I got pregnant again.  Repeat.  I worked out until 30 weeks with my son until my doctor advised me to stop and rest for the remainder of my pregnancy.  About 5 weeks postpartum I was itching to get back into a healthy routine.  I started back with my virtual skype classes with DanceFIT Studio a few nights a week and then amped it up when 6FIT started in February.

After 6FIT was over, I was feeling good, feeling healthy and had lost about 5 pounds and 11 total inches.  Not too shabby, if you ask me.  Then someone on Facebook posted a picture of Giselle (we all know which Giselle I am talking about), about 3 months postpartum with her 2nd child, on the beach in a bikini...WEARING AN ERGO.  In case anyone was wondering, she had 0 muffin top, meanwhile my Ergo waist strap is almost at full extension.  I am only human and my first emotion was discouragement.  What have I been working so hard for when I have people like that to live up to?  Ugh.

I take to Facebook (duh).  "Blah blah blah, Gisele with an Ergo, no fat, perfect as always, blah blah blah."  I might just have amazing friends, but the responses I got were so sweet and uplifting and REAL.  Here's a summary:

  • Gisele's body is her money maker.  Her lively hood (well, besides her superstar, millionaire, quarterback husband).  She actually gets paid to look like that.  
  • She has nannies, cooks, housekeepers
  • She has personal trainers 
  • She is able to spend lots and lots and lots of time in the gym
My husband said the exact same thing (twice- the first time was when I got all depressed about Megan Fox looking like she was never even pregnant).  

Duh!  My peeps were right...what was I thinking?  I am home all day with a toddler and an infant.  I take care of the house, feed my two children a total of about 13 times a day, cook dinner every night, make lunches AND workout 6 days a week.  Plus, I am going to be starting a full time job again soon (where I will find the time for everything, I do not know- another story for another time) Anyway,  I think I'm doing alright!

I started thinking of all the celebrities who I actually really like that have kids and maybe they have nannies or whatever, but they take care of their bodies in a healthy way and also take care of their kids.  

My top two favorites are: 
  • Jennifer Garner (for obvious reason, how can you not love her?) 
  • Hilary Duff (don't ask me why- I have a weird obsession with her.  I follow her on Twitter and Instagram and she just seems totally normal and in love with her kid.  I also like her style and she does Piloxing which I really want to try!)
I feel like they both set really good examples of moms being good to their bodies and their children at the same time.  They don't feel the need to have a baby, and be back in a size 0 in 2 weeks.  Amen to that! Those are the types of people I want as an example.  

I don't want my daughter growing up staring at airbrushed magazine covers thinking that's how she needs to look like I did.  Today during my yoga class she asked why I was exercising.  "To be strong" I said. "Ohhh to be strong Mommy" and showed me her guns and best strong girl face :) 

I want to set a good example for my daughter.  Next time I get down about not having the perfect post baby body I will remember what I am trying to instill in her:  Be healthy, Be strong, Be active, Be happy.  

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How DanceFIT Studio Changed My Life...No, I'm Not Being Dramatic

Hello Friends!

Well, here I am blogging about my amazing experience with DanceFIT Studio.  I know, I know I talk about this studio all the time.  How can I not?  It has literally changed my life.  I am so excited to be the new Spokesmodel for this spring's Remote 6FIT program!  We start April 21st-- I hope you will join me!  This means, of course that you will be hearing a lot more from me this spring :)

Let me just give a brief (or knowing me, not so brief) background about myself:  I grew up west of Boston, went to college in Boston and lived/worked in the city for my whole 20's.  As far as fitness goes, I walked everywhere and had a membership to a gym that I paid $50 a month for and never went.  I did a lot of yoyo dieting, and at those times I would pick up running or hit the gym hard for a couple weeks and that was it.  I met my husband when we were both living in South Boston, got married and "settled in"... ie: we ate a lot, we drank a lot, we didn't exercise.  When I got pregnant with my daughter, I was careful about what I ate - organic everything, not too many sweets, etc.  I didn't, however do any sort of exercise.  When Caoimhe was about 10 months old I FINALLY decided enough was's time to get moving.  I saw a Daily Candy deal for Virtual DanceFIT Studio classes and I was sold.  I started taking classes a few nights a week, huffing and puffing in my dining room while my husband encouraged me from the next room.  I kept going, I kept getting stronger...I was hooked!  A year and a half later, 2 babies and countless classes I am about to embark on my 4th 6FIT.  I thought I knew a lot about healthy eating - less calories, less fat, more veggies.  I was terribly wrong.  6FIT has taught me that I don't even need to count calories.  All I need to do is eat 6 serving of fruits and veggies a day (the more veggies, the better), eat whole grains, stay away from processed foods, eat real food, cook and bake yourself, eat less meat- the less feet, the better :) Drink water, drink water, drink water!  Remember the 80/20 rule.  Do not deprive yourself. Last, but not least- SLEEP.  Having a 2 year old who is a terrible sleeper and a 6 month old who wants to hang with Mommy at 2AM is not conducive to much sleep, but I try really hard!  

Some things that have changed in my food regiment since I first started at DanceFIT and since my first 6FIT...

  • I eat breakfast every day.
  • I start my day off by filling my water bottle and trying to drink 24oz before 10AM
  • I eat/drink very little dairy 
  • I eat roasted veggies instead of french fries 
  • I eat kale.  A lot of it
  • I do not drink soda, juice or flavored water
  • I drink green and purple smoothies.  So does my 2 year old.  
  • I cook for my family from scratch (on most nights...)
  • When we get takeout, which is usually once a week, I get a salad and then load up that salad with more mixed greens.  I aim for 3 cups of mixed greens in every salad. 
  • I could go vegetarian if I wanted to, but I choose not to because then I would be making 3 meals a night. 
  • I have a slice of cake or a cookie or ice cream if I want to.  I am able to do this without going overboard because of the way I eat the other 80% of the time.   
I have some goals for myself entering into my 4th 6FIT.  Here we go...
  • GET OUTSIDE! It's spring and I have no excuse. 
  • Disconnect.  I will admit, I am obsessed with being connected to technology at all times.  I literally fall asleep checking Facebook, Twitter, Email, Instagram or texting.  I am going to put my phone (and computer and iPad) away at least 1 hour before I go to bed.  My daughter isn't allowed to play on the iPad or our phones before bed, why should I?
  • Get Organized.  I have always been a very organized person.  Until I had kids and everything just unraveled.  With any luck, I will be starting a new full time job at some point during this 6FIT session and I will need to have weekly lunches and dinners planned to a T if I ever want to have any sort of balance between work and life.  This is going to be a huge struggle for me.  I will need some help and encouragement (tips are much appreciated)!
  • Stretch.  For some reason certain parts of my body refuse to be flexible.  I am working hard at stretches, and I am going to make it a major focus this spring.  
My fitness regiment has gone from practically nonexistent to working out at least 6 times a week, but often it is more.  I look forward to attending Virtual classes with friends I have made through DanceFIT.  Not only do they offer me encouragement, but they are all genuinely nice, down to earth people.  Speaking of nice people...the DanceFIT instructors are amazing.  They never judge, they always encourage and motivate, they never criticize, but offer suggestions on better posture, better form, etc.  They strive to make you better and stronger. You CAN do that last burpee!
My Virtual "studio" is the spare bedroom.  It is filled with toys, laundry that needs to be folded, poor lighting and an unflattering mirror that I am forced to watch myself workout in front of.  But, it's private and I can workout in peace (as much peace as you can get with 2 kids).  My "barre" is a dresser and I do tricep dips on the edge of the bed.  I have 2 mats, 2lb weights, a resistance band, some snazzy barre shoes, my water bottle and my computer, of course.

Lately, my days have been filled with full time mommy duties, full time job hunting/interviewing, hanging with my hubby and focusing on my health and wellness. In the little spare time that I do have, I love to party plan and I love photography. Although I love to travel... I am a homebody.  I love to be with my family.  Movie and a glass of wine at home?  Perfect!

So, in closing I just want to say thank you to all the wonderful people I have met through my DanceFIT experience over the past year and 1/2.  They have taught me not to judge- myself or others, they have taught me that we are not dieting, we are getting stronger and healthier, they have taught me that it's OK to have a bad day, and it's OK to let other people know.  They offer words of encouragement and motivation to help me stay committed to a workout later that night...when 8:30PM seems so far away, I know that there are 8 other people who will be sweating it out with me.  Just 10 more plies? It's OK, my friends legs are shaking just as much as mine!

Monday, March 4, 2013

6FIT Success with DanceFIT Studio

Many of you have heard me talk about DanceFIT Studio on my Facebook updates, Twitter feed, word of mouth, etc.  I know, I know...I don't shut up about it.  For good reason though.  DanceFIT has literally changed my life.

I started taking Virtual DanceFIT classes via Skype over a year ago after I bought a Daily Candy Promotion.  It was completely out of my comfort zone...classes that is.  I have 100% uncoordinated and always have been.  I figured taking a class via Skype wouldn't be so one but the instructor could see me and hopefully she wouldn't laugh too hard if I fell on my ass trying to channel my inner ballerina.  When I signed on for my first class, the wonderful owner of DanceFIT Studio and Boston's #1 Barre Instructor, Gina Fay welcomed me and was seriously encouraging and motivating the entire class.  I was hooked.  A few months later, I decided enough was enough...I needed to get serious about dropping the baby weight and signed up for my first (of 3) 6FIT through DanceFIT:  6 weeks of clean eating, daily exercise, sleep and water.  Duh.  I lost 5 pounds and multiple inches.  I was so excited!  Bye Bye, baby weight!

Yesterday marked the completion of my 3rd 6FIT!  My baby boy is 5 months old and I made a commitment  to myself early on to get my body moving and healthy after he was born.  I am so excited to share that in the past 6 weeks, I lost 5 additional pounds and 11 total inches from my body!  More importantly, I feel SO MUCH BETTER about myself and my body.  At this stage after having my daughter, I felt like crap and was feeling pretty depressed about myself- in a complete rut.

Even though this was my 3rd go with 6FIT (the second time I was pregnant with the little guy), I learned even more valuable health and fitness information.  I tried and realized i LOVED certain foods and committed to more exercise than I ever thought I could possibly do - a) because I have 2 kids and who has the time? and b) because I didn't think I had the energy or the stamina.

I have to give a shout out to the hubby here...without his support, I wouldn't have been able to take so many night classes, double headers, etc.  He knows I am easily distracted and was more than happy to spend some time bonding with and feeding the baby after our 2 year old went to bed so I could take sometimes 2 hours of classes- almost every night of the week.  He encouraged me when I was having a "fat day" and reminded me of where I was at this point after Caoimhe was born.  Although he refused kale, spaghetti squash and roasted veggies, he didn't put up a fuss when I served fish and veggie filled stirfry (as long as it had some meat in it).

Here are a few major food accomplishments I achieved through 6FIT this session:

  • Tofu- Who knew?  My sister gave me the easiest recipe of all.  Slice the drained tofu thin, douse it in tobasco and grill it! 6 minutes on each side.  Delish!  I literally NEVER thought I could enjoy tofu- believe me, I have tried! 
  • Brussel Sprouts- Hello lovely- where have you been all my life!  Now, to be fair, I have tried these before and ehhh not a huge fan, but I have discovered roasting them!  My new favorite comfort food. toss them in olive oil, pepper and cayenne pepper (i also cut up sweet potato, parsnips and a potato) and bake for 40 minutes on 400.  Amazing.  
  • KALE! I have tried and tried and tried again to stomach kale.  But to no avail.  At the beginning of 6FIT I was asked what my least favorite food is...Kale.  The obvious answer.  for the past 6 weeks I have eaten 3 cups of kale AT LEAST  6 times a week.  I sautee it and serve with eggs for breakfast most days, but I have also used it in smoothies (which my daughter loves too-  shhh don't tell her there's kale in there).  
  • Vegetarian Love- really, who needs all that meat when there's roasted veggies, spaghetti squash, delicious salmon and quinoa?  Not me!  However, as I mentioned before...the hubby needs meat content in his dinners, so while we will stick to two legged friends and friends with fins, we will still have meat at dinner...I don't want to be making 3 different meals every night.  
  • Dairy Free-  This is the biggest one for me.  During Dairy Free week, I realized that i was less blah, bloated and blah...especially when I incorporated it back into my diet the following week.  The little guy also had a healthier tummy which is good for everyone.  I didn't realize how many dairy substitutes  there were out there.  I was at Whole Paycheck the other day and there is an entire freezer full of dairy free ice cream.  So that basically had me sold right there.  
Probably the best part (for me anyway) about 6FIT is the motivation.  Motivation, not only from my team, but from everyone who is taking part in 6FIT, including our instructors.  I have said this before, but the DanceFIT community is like no other.  I have had the honor of befriending some amazing people who motivate me and inspire me on a daily basis.  The motivation continues after a 6FIT session is over.  We all have a passion for health and fitness and it has totally brought us together as a fun little 6FIT cult! Haha.  I owe so much to all of them.  

This post is getting entirely too long, but wanted to squeeze in a tidbit about my Virtual DanceFIT classes that I talk so much about.  They are AMAZING!  I am able to workout after the babies go to bed, in my own home, in a class filled with other people like me AND I get to work out with my sister who lives in NYC.  What could be better?  If I need to tend to a child, I go, if I sign up for a class mid morning and have a crying baby or a two year old climbing all over me, that is fine...just hit mute on Skype and away we go! I get my daily workout in either way and always leave class with jello legs and burning arms and abs.  ALWAYS. 

This session might be over, but I am already signed up for 9 (I think) classes, including 2 double headers!  I am going to make a conscious effort to keep my momentum going until the next 6FIT starts.  

6FIT is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change.  Are you up for the challenge? 

Hello Friends...Here's my Guest Blog for the latest 6FIT session with DanceFIT Studio.  More about 6FIT later...

Planning 6FIT Friendly Parties

Since my daughter was born two years ago, I have strived to plan fabulous parties.  I won’t lie, I needed to live up to the parties I have seen on Pinterest.  Not being particularly creative or crafty, the bar was set high.  So far, I have two birthdays and two Christenings under my belt.  One of the biggest things I wanted to achieve was a good balance in planning the food.  Not everyone likes salad, or sweets, some people can’t eat nuts, little kids choke on lots of food items, etc. A major factor in my food planning was that I was in 6FIT during 3 of these parties so I had to have healthy alternatives I could fall back on and not get sucked into eating chips, cake and ice cream all day.  

Caoimhe’s 1st Birthday was the party that HAD to be the best.  It was her first, after all and obviously she would remember it forever.  So, against my husband’s better judgment, I invited 10 of her “closest” friends and our entire family and shoved them all into our 2 bedroom apartment at the end of January with nowhere for kids to run.  My theme: Winter “One”derland.  Clever huh?  Thanks, Pinterest.  I served an assortment of vegetables, healthy homemade paninis (vegetarian option available), not so healthy Framingham Bakery Pizza (if you are from the Metrowest, you must serve this at all major life changing events), mini organic Mac N’ Cheese Bites and cupcakes for the littles and cake, of course.  Beer and Sangria for the big people.  I made sure to keep my water bottle full at all times and while I indulged in a slice of cake and a couple Amstels, I was highly motivated not to go overboard.  This picture obviously doesn’t include the whole spread, but here it is anyway:


Next up was Caoimhe’s Christening in October.  I only had to plan it twice, thanks to non-hurricane Irene.  Immediate family and our closest friends were invited...Duh, so much easier and so much less pressure.  Still, I wanted everything to look nice.  I kept it simple with homemade healthy Jambalaya, Pulled Pork, Chili salad, veggies and cake.  Did someone say Crockpot? I went to Panara and bought some nice bread bowls for the chili.  I thought this was a nice assortment of Fall comfort food that wasn’t loaded with fat.  Plus everyone loves Chili, right?  I’m not going to share a picture of this party because the only one I can find is one of a bowl of tortilla chips and a couple of cucumbers.  Not exactly balanced.

Having learned my lesson from the first birthday, we invited only immediate family and Caoimhe’s best friend to the second birthday.  This was my favorite party to put together and even though there were only three kids (and two babies) there, the look on my daughter’s face when she saw the theme was well worth it.  This party took place during 6FIT week 1 and it was the water cleanse! At this point, I am really conscious about what I feed myself, my kids and other people’s kids.  Our theme was Gruffalo’s Child (look it up if you have kids- great books!) I made the trusty Jambalaya for the adults (which included my sister who is also doing 6FIT- extra motivation to do the right thing at a party).  For the kids we had Roasted Fox (organic chicken nuggets), Orange Eyes (easy peel clementines), Poisonous Warts (green grapes), Scrambled Snake (gummy worms), Gruffalo Pie (mini pies pops- sweets, yes, but only about 75 calories per pop) and Owl Nests (chocolate covered pretzels).  Gruffalo Tea was also served (Milk and Juice boxes).  Along with the amazing cake I ordered, I thought the spread was really well balanced between sweets and healthy and I felt good at the end of the day having stuck to my healthy eating.


Last, but not least was my little man’s Christening.  The same small group of people were invited, plus family over from Ireland.  My husband and I agreed on serving pulled pork and sandwiches.  His idea of serving a sandwich is ham and cheese on buttered Wonder Bread cut into quarters (would you like yours with or without crust?).  My idea of serving sandwiches is a selection of organic deli meats on artisan breads with condiments and fixings on the side so people can decide what they want.  On top of that, it was Dairy Free week for 6FIT and I don’t want butter smothered on all of my sandwiches.  I can only blame his Irish heritage on this.  Anyway, to avoid a dispute, I compromised and buttered a few sandwiches and did the rest the way I wanted to.  After all that, everyone ate the pulled pork for the most part anyway.  In addition to sandwiches, I served an assortment of raw veggies. I was bored with plain old broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, etc so I spiced it up a bit and served mini assorted peppers, carrots, mini cucumber- sliced and sweet peapods.  It looked cute and seemed less boring.  My mom made a nice salad with cranberries and feta, which I didn’t eat because of the cheese, but it looked yummy!  Cake and Bellini’s topped off the spread.  Again, I drank my water and munched on raw veggies throughout the day and used the 80/20 rule for a cheese free ½ sandwich and a small portion of pulled pork. 

Things I keep in mind when planning food for a party…keep it simple- the less ingredients, the better.  Remember food allergies are on the rise, so don’t serve allergen foods at all if you aren’t familiar with the kids coming, choose foods that you think everyone will like, but remember- you can’t make everyone happy. Have a vegetarian option.  Have lots of veggies to counteract the sweets.  Remember the 80/20 rule and don’t beat yourself up over indulging in a slice of cake (it is a party, after all).