Sunday, April 7, 2013


I have never been a yoga buff.  Like ever.  I had taken maybe 10 total yoga classes in my entire life...I am more of a pilates girl.  So when Gina put CountryFIT Yoga on the virtual schedule I was hesitant to add it to my workout routine.  I have now taken about 7 (ish) CountryFIT Yoga classes and I have gone from not being able to hold a pose more than a few seconds to almost the entire time.  Yay!

The reason I am blogging about yoga tonight is because I just finished the most amazing class.  I had a busy weekend and a busy day and the last thing I wanted to do was workout tonight.  I just wanted to sit on the couch and stare mindlessly at the T.V. or go crazy on Pinterest.  Anyway, after the dinner and bedtime routines were over I felt calmer and ready to work.  Saturday was my rest day after all.

I am SO HAPPY I didn't cancel my class because I truly feel so good after that class.  Proud of myself for being able to get through about 90% of a very challenging yoga class (finally).  I felt insanely strong, I held a bind on both side, my hips are stretched from pigeon pose, chaturanga has gotten better and I made a little bit of progress in crow.  By progress, I mean I held it for about two seconds without falling flat on my face after.  Joy!  Gina put a few twists and turns in class tonight too, which I took in stride, focused and accomplished them.  On top off all that, I felt like my planks were really strong tonight.

I am making such a big deal about this because I've been feeling a bit slumpish the past few days and just by taking this one class tonight, I am instantly out of it.  I am ready to start the week off strong and positive.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and a happy a positive week ahead!


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