I learned this the hard way from my daughter when I was on my phone facebooking, tweeting, instagramming, texting--whatever I was doing ( Yes, I am addicted to my phone and social media). Anyway, she got sick of my fake listening and came over and took my phone and said "no phone, Mama. Play with me." Uh DUH. I felt like a jerk.
I get home from work around 4:45-5PM. After they eat dinner, instead of scrolling through useless information on my phone, we go outside and play on the swing, I put Pandora on and we have a dance party, we read books, build block towers and watch 30 minutes of a movie of her choice before bed.
Monday-Wednesday I have classes at 7 or 7:30 and she is obsessed with exercising with me. As a special treat, she gets to stay up and "excise" with me for 15 minutes and then it's bed time. I don't know who is bribing who here, but it works and 2 years olds are extremely flexible!! She can also do 100's like a rock star!
When the weekends roll around, I make a concentrated effort to plan fun and active activities for my family. My husband tends to work every other weekend, so on the weekends we are together we like to do something good. Now that it is nice out, a lot of our activities revolve around being outside. Both of my kids LOVE to be outside, especially my daughter. She begs to go out as soon as she steps foot inside. I am always looking for active things to do on the weekends, while at the same time avoiding major crowds because that just gives me anxiety :)
Here's a list of some fun and active things to do with kids and families on the weekend. I am sorry this list is only a Boston list. I don't leave the state ever haha, but it would be great if readers in other cities or countries could add their favorite outdoor activity on here as well!
Cushing Memorial Park in Framingham: We LOVE this place. There's a 1.5-2 mile loop for walking, running, biking, rollerblading- whatever. It's situated on about 60 acres of pretty flat terrain and absolutely beautiful trees. There's a small playground in the center of the park, with a train, so of course my daughter is obsessed. We take bikes, strollers, soccer balls and picnic lunches and spend a couple hours here. They have swings too, which is all my little man needs!
Ashland State Park - Reservoir Hike: http://www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/trails/ashland.gif
This is a wonderful place for the entire family, including the pooches. I prefer to park next to the tennis courts on Chestnut Street at the Warren Center and start the trail walk from there. I used to hike around here with my dog and recently brought my 2 year old. She loved it- loved the sticks, animals, water, everything!
Blue Hills: I have yet to do this, but I plan to go during lunch next week my schedule isn't so insane. Here's a link to the reservation. http://www.mass.gov/dcr/parks/metroboston/blue.htm
Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary in Natick, MA: Note to self, I must get a hiking backpack for the kids. I have yet to be here, but we might try it out this weekend. 9 miles of varied trails with amazing views. This is not free (except for members, but it's only $5) http://www.massaudubon.org/Nature_Connection/Sanctuaries/Broadmoor/index.php
Going to the Cape for Memorial Day Weekend? Be sure to check out the Cape Cod Rail Trail. An amazing bike path that goes all over the Cape. We've been in Chatham the past two weekens and they have one of their own called the Old Colony Rail Trail that goes through Harwich and Chatham. http://www.chathaminfo.com/shared-files/File/Rail-Trail.pdf
Upper Charles Trail- Milford, MA: This is a walking, biking, running train that is pretty much brand new. There's a 5.5 mile section open so far, but proposed 20 mile trail through Ashland, Hopkinton, Milford, Sherborn and Holliston. The Milford trail runs up rt 85. We usually go to EMC Park in Hopkinton and then head to the trail for a walk/run after in the stroller. http://www.uppercharlestrail.org/
The Ecotarium, Worcester, MA: This is probably out favorite place to go in the summer and in the winter. However, you really only get the hiking in during the nice weather. In the winter/rain we stay indoors. I have walked and hiked the outdoor museum area multiple times while pregnant. It is NOT easy! But, it's fun for the kids and there are lots of animals :) Added bonus- if you buy the membership, you can get into the majority of other museums in the city for free or a deep discount as well as museums around the country.
Finally, here is a link to some great hiking in and around Boston: http://www.boston.com/travel/explorene/specials/outdoors/galleries/great_local_hiking_spots/
This Memorial Day, we remember our fallen heroes and their families and everything they have done for our country.
I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend with lots of fun and healthy activities planned!
PS- try (as hard as it may be) to stay away from the potato salad :)
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