Wednesday, June 19, 2013


It's about three weeks post 6FIT and for the first time I feel like I haven't completely fallen off the healthy lifestyle wagon.  Yay! I have broken out (if only by a pound) of my plateau, continue to take lots of classes and my eating habits have been good for the most part...aside from Sunday when I ate potato salad like I have never had a carb before in my life. 

One of the biggest reasons (I think) for my success the past 3 weeks is that I have been logging all of my food and exercise with My Fitness Pal via the Iphone app.  Not only am I logging, but a number of my 6FIT friends are doing it as well...and we all have public diaries so I feel very accountable for the foods I put in my body and motivated by seeing the exercise everyone is logging.  

I have learned through My Fitness Pal that 1260 calories is just not enough to keep my stomach from growling throughout the day.  BUT, in order to eat more I need to compensate with exercise...DUH.  I do know this...I have known basically forever, but seeing it right in front of you helps to bring the point home.  If I want to eat something extra, I need to find a way to burn those calories.  For instance, this morning I was craving a bagel with cream cheese from Dunks.  I know that I am taking a double header with Virtual DanceFIT studio tonight, one class being cardio based, so I allowed myself the bagel.  It's all about the 80/20, friends. I know that on days where I am burning a lot of calories, I need make sure I eat those calories back in order to keep my metabolism on track.  There are some days where I look at my log at night and I still have 600 calories left to eat in order to make up for the exerted energy from that day.  Obviously, I am not going to eat an entire meal right before bed so I have a handful of pretzels or some peanut butter and go to bed.  I was worried about having so many extra calories left, but a friend said she looks at her weekly average and goes off that...good idea, and that's what I have been doing.  I love being held accountable for my food and exercise.  I am sorry, MFP friends, but I think you are all going to have to log for life in order for me to stay on track!  

Things I am having trouble with: working out BESIDES classes.  For instance...running, walking or outdoor cardio of any kind.  I cannot get motivated despite that fact that I see my fitness friends running miles upon miles every day.  I logged cleaning the other day in My Fitness Pal...LAME. 

I am going to record all of my excuses here so you guys can tell me to get over and get off my butt...

  1. I am too tired in the morning to get up at 5 and go for a run.  My (9 month old!) baby slept through the night (until 530am) for the 3rd time last night and frankly, I am zonked.  
  2. My knee hurts.  This is a half-assed excuse.  Jumping and squatting legitimately hurt my knee but now I think I am just scared to run to damage it further (don't worry, I have ortho and PT appointments set up for this month).
  3. By the time I get home from work I don't have time.  Dinner, bedtime routine, classes, bed. Can I get another hour in the day? 
  4. I turn lazy on the weekends...this is not an excuse, it is a fact.  I need someone to come to my house, put on my sneakers for me and drag me to the pavement.  Please.  Anyone! 
Another thing I am still struggling with is meal planning.  I have been terrible and bringing breakfast and lunch to work and I usually have an iced coffee and a lara bar for breakfast.  Clean, but not satisfying.  For lunch, I will bring leftovers on occasion, but still I find that I'm eating an apple or carrots and hummus too much.  Speaking of apples, I am not eating enough fruit.  I used to have two servings a day at least and lately, I have been looking at my apples on my desk wishing they were a giant piece of cake.  How sick am I? Then, I just don't eat them because let's face it...cake is just better.  

On Friday, June 21, I will be participating in a 40 day challenge with DanceFIT Studio called SummerFIT!  It is basically a contest to see who can take the most classes in 40 days.  Us DanceFITTERS love a good challenge! I am excited for it, even if my class schedule won't change too much because of my work hours.  I just love being in constant contact with my fitness friends.  

One last thing...remember Burpees?  Of course you do.  I found this challenge and I plan on doing it...who wants to join me?  It might sound crazy, but I have a weird love/hate relationship with these puppies.  I know how great they are for you and I feel totally accomplished when I complete a set, but c'mon, they are burpees so I can't fully love them. 


  1. You are doing awesome. I have totally been where you are with all of it. I still have a hard time with the wishing vegetables were ice cream/cake/cookies/pizza or really anything other than vegetables. Have you seen my recent junk binges? Total work in progress. Your chart always makes me realize how much better I could be doing. If running, is the outside exercise you want to pursue...have you considered signing up for a race so you are training for something. I know I am much more likely to prioritize running when I am actively training for something specific. Also, I could bring R and A out by you one weekend and we could do a playdate run. I know that R would love more time with C and you seem to have some awesome double jogger friendly paths. I am down for the burpee challenge though I think they are the single most awful exercise in the entire world. Yup, that bad.

    1. Thanks Nicole! I did see a slice of ice cream cake in one of your logs and I was immediately salivating. That is my favorite haha! I am going to sign up for a run. I need to, I must. But, I am also petrified! It would be so fun to get together with the kids and go for an active play date! We have lots of places around here to go. I like burpees more than mountain climbers haha!
