About a month ago, my husband and I were in a car accident and while I was at the doctor getting my whiplash-ed neck examined, I got a full check up. I hadn't been since 2008...that is bad. Too busy at the baby doctor 800 times a week for 3 years. Anyway, they did a full range of blood work and when I got the results a week later, everything was normal EXCEPT my thyroid.
Hypothyroid. Sweet. That would explain things right? The major system in my body responsible for making metabolism work properly...failed! Thanks to my little big man, T, I have postpartum Hypothyroidism. Supposedly, this will cure itself within a year after giving birth (3 months and counting...), but 50% of women who have postpartum hypothyroid will get permanent hypothyroidism later in life. Cross your fingers this isn't me.
There are a number of all natural things I can do to jump-start my thyroid, but there is also a pill I can take that supposedly helps too. My inner all-natural self struggles.
A lot of the natural things that can help hypothyroidism are already part of my life...
- Just say not to caffeine and sugar, including refined carbs. Caffeine will be a tough one and probably the last thing I will try. I really love coffee. Sugar, on the other hand will be a bit easier as I have already started decreasing it's existence in my diet.
- Eat lots of protein. This is something i can definitely do, but find it more challenging than other dietary changes for some reason. More quinoa? Sure!
- Drop the soy products. I don't consume a ton of soy, but I do like soy in my coffee from time to time (add Almond Milk to your menu anytime, Starbucks). I eat tofu once a month and I love edamame. But that's about it. I can do without. Apparently it has an adverse reaction on a body's endocrine system. Who knew?
- Eat more healthy fats: avocados, nuts, EVOO, full fat dairy products. Not getting enough GOOD fat and cholesterol fuels your thyroid to be less effective.
- Get more nutrients through food. Vitamin D, iron, omega-3's, selenium, zinc, vitamin A, B vitamins and iodine are all important to a properly functioning Thyroid gland. When it comes to iodine; eat more sea vegetables/seafood, eggs, lima beans, asparagus, spinach and swiss chard instead of taking a supplement or using iodized salt- that is said to exacerbate your thyroid issue.
- Cook your veggies! A lot of the veggies that are said to help hypothyroid, can also work against you. "Goitrogens" are found in a lot of vegetables and aren't good for people with hypothyroid. Cooking up your veggies will take the goitrogens out of them and you're good to go.
- Stay stress free. The thyroid gland is apparently sensitive to stress. Relax. Meditate. Breathe.
- Eat probiotics...a healthy tummy is essential to thyroid function.
- Go Gluten Free. Isn't this the answer to everything now-a-days? ;)
I guess I have some work to do.
While I am frustrated with the fact that I have been working my ass off to lose this baby weight once and for all over the past 9 months, I also have to be thankful of the healthy lifestyle I have chosen. Not only will it make it easier to adjust to my new dietary needs, but working out and eating clean has also curbed a lot of weight gain. I may be in the longest plateau ever, but at least the scale isn't going up.
So, I'll keep truckin'...